Bike Lane Sweeper Blog
Our journey developing an eco-friendly bike lane sweeper.
I’m often asked how the idea of a pull-behind bike lane sweeper came about… Circa fall 2020, Covid was forcing people to spend a lot of time at home, yet my office was opened and I took advantage or our sunny California weather to ride my bike to work once
Developing a refined push-aside sweeper
This is to share what went into building the second version of our push-aside bike lane sweeper. Since earlier this year, Ramez Tadros in Charlotte, NC volunteered to test a push-aside sweeper of the first version, and we used his feedback to design and build a much improved version. Here are before and
Building a pick-up sweeper with new ideas
My name is Cedric Eveleigh and this is my first post here. When I moved to the Sunshine Coast in Canada in April of 2022, I started volunteering with a local bike advocacy group called Transportation Choices. One of the many things that they do is run events where volunteers